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Research Centers



Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center (ATARC) was established in 1968 as testing site of Holeta Agricultural Research Center on 40 hectare of land with 50 indigenous cattle. The Objective was to evaluate meat and milk production potential of indigenous cattle breed types.

In 1974, a crossbreeding program was initiated (exotic x local) i.e Holstein Frisian, Jersey and Simmental sires were crossed to the indigenous dam line (Borana and Barka) to improve the milk production performance of the local animals.

Towards the end of 1993, the center was transferred from Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR) to Oromia Agricultural Development Bureau (OADB). ATARC was designated to be National Beef research project coordinator in since 1997. In 2001, Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (OARI) was established as an independent Research Institute which ATARC executed different research activities and release technologies under OARI which currently known as IQQO.


Located in Mid Rift Valley at 167 km toward South of Addis Ababa, the Capital City of Ethiopia.It lies at latitude 7009’ N, Longitude 38007’ E. Altitude: 1650 m.a.s.l.Annual Rainfall (mean): 766.59 mm.Temperature: Mean max. 270c; Mean min. 120c.Total Land holding: 310 ha

Mandate Areas

Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center covers the mandate areas of East Shewa, West Arsi and Arsi Zones which encompasses high land, Midland and Low land Agro-ecologies

Research Programs

Research programs are organized under five research processes vis-vis Livestock, Crop, Crop Protection, Natural Resource, Irrigation and Water Harvesting, Socio-Economics and Agricultural Extension Processes. These research Processes coordinate research activities undertaken at research team which conducts in mandate areas. 

Livestock Research Process

Livestock research process run different research activities which has been funded by government and non-government fund sources. This process includes five research teams: -

  1. Dairy Research Team
  2. Meat Research Team
  3. Animal Feed, nutrition & Range Land Management Research Team
  4. Apiculture Research Team
  5. Poultry Research Team

Crop Research Process

Crop research process have four research teams: -

  1. Cereal Research Team
  2. Pulse & Oil Research Team
  3. Horticulture and Spice Research Team
  4. Biotechnology Research Team

Crop Protection Research Process

  1. Pathology Research Team
  2. Entomology Research Team
  3. Weed Science Research Team

Natural Resource process

  1. Soil Fertility Improvement Research Team
  2. Agro-forestry Research Team
  3. Soil and Water Conservation and Watershed Management Research Team

Socio-economics and Agricultural Research Extension process

  1. Socio-economics Research Team
  2. Agricultural Research Extension

Irrigation Engineering and Water Harvesting Process

  1. Water Harvesting Research Team
  2. Irrigation Research Team

Technology multiplication and Seed Research Team

  1. Crop Techenology Multiplication
  2. Livestock technology multiplication
  3. Bio Technology (Tissue culture )
