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Research Centers

Bedele Agricultural Research Center


Bedele agricultural research center was established in 1992 as Soil Testing Laboratory Center with the co funding from the World Bank's Fertilizer Sector Project. The center was under  Oromia Bureau of Agriculture from 1993 to 1996 E.C.  From 1996 to 1999 E.C., it underwent restructuring reformed as  Bedele Soil Research Center within Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO). After three (3) years, it was once more reorganized and until 2003 E.C. it was known as the Bedele Soil Testing Laboratory Center and reported to the Oromia Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development (OBAD). It was then reorganized and given the new name Bedele Soil Research Center (BSRC) after operating as Bedele Soil Testing Center from 2004 to 2011 for seven years by offering farmers soil analysis services, assessing the soil fertility status and mapping, advising fertilizer based on the results of soil tests, and validating soil test fertilizer recommendations for major crops through demonstrations at farmers' fields.

Since 2012 E.C., Bedele Soil Research Center has been upgraded to Bedele Agricultural Research Center (BeARC), which has a different research process and teams to deliver sound entire agricultural technologies by adopting, creating, multiplying, and disseminating to end users. Many study recommendations and baseline information’s have already been created and distributed to our farmers, including those for crops, crop protection, livestock, coffee and tea, natural resources, agricultural economics and extension services, and technological advancements.

BeARC is currently working full-time on research directorates related to crops, crop protection, livestock, coffee and tea, natural resources management, socio-economics and agricultural extension, and technology multiplications research process. The Center directs seven (7) research processes that are composed of eighteen research teams and three (3) supporting teams and provide the basis for these operations.

  • The center is located at Latitude (N): 8°27'09.32"N Longitude (E): 36°20'47.12"E , Altitude (m): 2007 m.a.s.l

Mandate Area:Zones: Buno Bedele, Ilu Aba Bora and Jimma

Research Directorate

  1. Natural Resource Management
  2. Crops
  3. Crop protection
  4. Coffee and Tea
  5. Livestock
  6. Socio Economics and Agricultural Extension and Gender
  7. Technology Multiplication

Research teams

Crop Research

  1.  Cereal crops research team
  2.  Pulse and Oil crops research team
  3.  Horticultural crops research team

Crop Protection

  1.  Pathology research team
  2.  Entomology Research Team
  3.  Weed Science Research Team

Coffee and Tea Research Process

  1.  Coffee and Tea Improvement Research Team
  2.  Coffee and Tea Management and Protection Research Team

Natural Resource Process

  1.  Soil Resource Survey Team
  2.  Soil Fertility Improvement Team
  3.  Soil Testing Team
  4.  Soil and Water Conservation and watershed Management Research Team
  5.  Agroforestry Research Team

Livestock Research Process

  1.  Animal Forage and Range land Management Team
  2.  Apiculture Research Team

Socio Economics and Agricultural Extension Research Process

  1.  Socio Economics Research Team
  2.  Agricultural Extension Research Team

Technology Multiplication Research Process

  1.  Crop multiplication Research Team
  2.  Natural Resource Multiplication Research Team
  3. Animal Forage multiplication Research Team



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