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The Technology Multiplication and Seed Research (TMCD)

An overview

One of the main Directorates of the Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO) is the Technology Multiplication and Seed Research (TMCD), which focuses on multiplication of agricultural engineering, coffee, livestock, natural resources, and crop technologies. It also conducts research on seed technology in order to increase the sector's productivity and production.
The basic and most important components of sustainable agricultural production are early generation agricultural technologies. More specifically, when it comes to improved crop variety seeds, the quality of the seeds has a greater influence on how well the other inputs respond. Quality seed alone makes a major direct contribution to overall yield, and with effective management of other inputs, that contribution can even be increased.

Focus Areas of the Directorate

  1. Provide technical support and increase the technical and physical capacities of technology-multiplying research centers.
  2. Research seeds and multiply promising agricultural technologies (crops, livestock, coffee, agricultural engineering, and natural resources) that have been released or approved.
  3. Ensure effective networking, collaboration, and communication with partners for the multiplication, supply and distribution of technology.

  Major Activities of the Directorate  

  1. Multiplication and supply of breeder, pre-basic, and basic early generation seeds of improved crop varieties in adequate quantities to seed firms and other certified seed producers, such as cooperatives and cooperative unions, with high quality
  2. Providing those involved in seed production with a range of short-term trainings on seed production and seed technology
  3. Multiplication and supply of improved livestock technologies (improved livestock breeds, apiculture technologies, fishery technologies and forage varieties)
  4. Multiplication of technologies based on natural resources (tree seedlings)
  5. Multiplication of prototypes generated by research in agricultural engineering
  6. To conduct research on seeds
  1. Provide data on the production, processing, and post-harvest management of high-quality seed and quantify the percentage of farmers who use improved varieties and high-quality seed.
  2. Creating innovative approaches to support community-based seed production and expanding the availability of high-quality seed through farmers' participatory seed production.
  3. Determine the best seed treatment methods to control soil- and seed-borne illnesses as well as pests that affect storage.
  4. Develop effective means for predicting seed demand.
  5. For early generation seed multiplication, strengthening the internal seed quality control system

Implementing Research Centers

  1. All 17 Research Centers on their own and adapted technologies