Research Centers
Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center
Asela Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Bako Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Bako Agricultural Research Center
Batu Fishery and other Aquatic Life Research Center
Batu Soil Research Center
Bedele Agricultural Research Center
Bore Agricultural Research Center
Fadis Agricultural Research Center
Fitche Agricultural Research Center
Haro-Sabu Agricultural Research Center
Holeta Bee Research Center
Jima Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Mechara Agricultural Research Center
Nekemte Soil Research Center
Sinana Agricultural Research center
Yabalo Pastoral & Dry land Agricultural Research Center
Asella Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Asella Agricultural Engineering Research Center has passed through several reforms since 1964 E.C. in establishment ARDU/CADU. It has got the name Asella Agricultural Mechanization Research Center in 1993 under Oromia Agricultural Research Institute. Currently, the center has two research directorates. Namely; Agricultural Engineering Research Directorate which consists of four research teams and technology multiplication team.
Asella Agricultural Engineering Research Center (AAERC) is located at 7° 55'0'' to 7° 55' 55''N latitudes and 39° 7' 40'' to 39° 8'0'' E longitudes, having an elevation of 2430 meters above sea level. It is about 175 Km far from Addis Ababa to the South-Eastern part of Oromia Region Asella Town.
Research Mandate Zones
The center has the mandate to carry out its research activities in nine (9) Zones of Oromiya region namely Arsi, West Arsi, Bale, East Bale, E/Showa, Guji, West Guji, Borena and East Borena Zones
Research Targets
Agricultural Engineering technology generation via research, improvement and production of agricultural engineering technologies, dissemination of agricultural engineering technologies to the end users by reducing time, labor and post-harvest losses, and thereby increasing production and productivity, food security and better livelihood of the farm household of the region in particular and the whole society in general.
Research teams