Research Centers
Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center
Asela Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Bako Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Bako Agricultural Research Center
Batu Fishery and other Aquatic Life Research Center
Batu Soil Research Center
Bedele Agricultural Research Center
Bore Agricultural Research Center
Fadis Agricultural Research Center
Fitche Agricultural Research Center
Haro-Sabu Agricultural Research Center
Holeta Bee Research Center
Jima Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Mechara Agricultural Research Center
Nekemte Soil Research Center
Sinana Agricultural Research center
Yabalo Pastoral & Dry land Agricultural Research Center
Nekemte Soil Research Center
The Nekemte Soil Research Center is one of the seventeen (17) centers under the Oromia Agricultural Research Institute. It was established in 1994. Powers, mission, scope of work, structural organization, research and study activities of Natural Resources in the western regions of Oromia (Horro-Guduru Wollega, East Wollega ,West –Wollega and Kellem-Wollega) as well Soil Study (Service Delivery) work on Liquid/acidic soil in selected districts of West Showa district in general sampling and Basic technology work of ”Strain” multiplication of different types of forage crops at no cost to the farmer distribution is working.
The Center found on 328 km at the west direction of Addis Ababa at Nekemte town. It is located an altitude of 2140 m.a.s.l, 09.089770 North and 036.572640 East longitude. An average annual rain fall and temperature of Nekemte is 1998 mm and 17.50c respectively.
Research Process
Research Teams