Message from Director General
Mr. Teshome Bogale
Distinguished visitors
Welcome to Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO,-Institiutii Qorannoo Qonna Oromiyaa) official website. IQQO established in 2001 under Oromia National Regional State Proclamation No. 44/2001. Currently, IQQO has 17 research centers established across the region based on socio-economic and agro-ecologies.
IQQO focus on generation of new and improved agricultural technologies, adapting, multiplying, training and dissemination of approved agricultural technologies. Up to now, large number of agricultural technologies, research recommendations of improved crop varieties, crop protection, livestock, natural resource management, agricultural mechanization, food science, coffee and tea etc… were generated and disseminated to the farming/pastoral communities.
Here in IQQO, we have young, committed and multi disciple researchers, I can assure you that we all are enthusiastic to make Oromia food and nutrition secured region through continuing fighting against poverty deploying agricultural technology as a major tools. We want to work professionally with all national and international scientific community and believe on synergy. A lot is expected from us to meet the ever increasing demand of agricultural technologies suitable to balance the negative impact of climate change and population growth pressure.
Dear Distinguished Visitors,
We are confronted with major challenges like uncontrolled exploitation of natural resource, continuous growth of population, low input use of improved agricultural technologies which in turn resulted in climate change, low productivity and food insufficiency. Our research strategies should focus on the sustainable use of the natural resources and consistent with the principles of sustainable development, food security, foreign exchange and job opportunity. Further, our research outputs need to qualify to influence the national agricultural development policies and trigger agricultural transformation.
Let's build synergy to realize agricultural transformations
As a fellow citizen, strongly engaged in fighting poverty, let me invite you take an active interest in our research activities, join us to building synergy. Let's plan and do together whatever we can for fighting poverty. Let’s work hard generating impact oriented agricultural technologies, pushing the existing technologies to the farm level and make agricultural transformation real to happen in region.