Livestock Research Directorate
One of the main research directorates of the Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO) is the Livestock Research directorate. Its mission is to support the four pillars of agriculture development — food security, import substitution, export earnings, and job creation—by generation and adaption appropriate agricultural technologies and information.
The goal of the research directorate is to improve community livelihoods by generation and/or adoption livestock technologies and information that boost the productivity and output of various livestock species.
Research Focus
This directorate deals with the following animal species: fish, chicken, honey bees, sheep, and goats. Its research always centers on the following areas:
- Genetic improvement
- Feeds and nutrition,
- Animal health,
- Management and husbandry,
- Livestock product handling and processing
- Feed resources and rangeland improvement
Research teams
Six research teams comprise the directorate, namely,
- Dairy animals
- Animal meat
- Rangeland and Feed Resource Management
- The practice of apiculture
- Fisheries and
- poultry