Research Centers
Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center
Asela Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Bako Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Bako Agricultural Research Center
Batu Fishery and other Aquatic Life Research Center
Batu Soil Research Center
Bedele Agricultural Research Center
Bore Agricultural Research Center
Fadis Agricultural Research Center
Fitche Agricultural Research Center
Haro-Sabu Agricultural Research Center
Holeta Bee Research Center
Jima Agricultural Engineering Research Center
Mechara Agricultural Research Center
Nekemte Soil Research Center
Sinana Agricultural Research center
Yabalo Pastoral & Dry land Agricultural Research Center
Yabello Pastoral and Dryland Agriculture Research Center (YPDARC)
Yabello Pastoral and Dryland Agriculture Research Center is one of the research centers under Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO). The center was established in 1995 E.C. with the fund gained through a bilateral agreement of federal republic of Ethiopia and the international fund for agricultural development to benefit the pastoral communities. The fund was from the World Bank through Agricultural Research and Training Project (ARTP). Though it was operational since 2003, the center was officially inaugurated in June 14th 2008. The research centre has two sites: the residential and office which are 6 km apart.
Yabello is located 570 km south of Finfine on the tarmac road to Moyale at an altitude of 1750 masl with annual mean precipitation of 500 mm. In the area, bimodal rainfall peaks are conspicuous. The main rainy season (which occurs between March and May) gets 60% and the remaining 40% goes to the short rainy season (that extends from September to November). Mean annual temperature varied from 19oC-24oC.
YPARC is currently working full-time on research directorates related to crops, crop protection, livestock, natural resources, Agricultural engineering, socio-economics and agricultural extension, and technology multiplications research process. The center has seven (7) research processes that are composed of eighteen (17) research teams and supporting staff.
Adapt, generate and disseminate appropriate technologies needed for sustainable development of pastoral and agro pastoral areas of Borana and West Guji zones. In addition the center is nationally coordinates research and outreach range ecology and management activities
Areas of focus and research process and teams